In Business

Sol St. Maarten Host Shell Lubricant Training 

Some local mechanics and car dealers in St. Maarten have been equipped with the most recent product knowledge about Shell Lubricants.  On November 7th, 2012, SOL ANTILLES N.V., the exclusive distributors for Shell Lubricants, hosted a half-day Shell Lubricants training seminar at their at their Cay Bay facility.

The training seminar was very well received and participants were able to interact with Barbados based Michael Merritt, who is the Group Lubricant Technical Advisor for regional oil company SOL. Mr. Meritt was very competent for the task at hand boasting a background in Lubes knowledge and expertise. He is a Board Certified Mechanical Engineer, Shell Trained Downstream Frontline Technical Support (D-FLTS) and Senior Member of the American Association of Quality (ASQ).

Outlined in this seminar was the importance of purchasing the correct product for each vehicle model and year. Mr. Merritt also stated that the exclusive supplier of Shell lubricants in St. Maarten is SOL ANTILLES N.V. as the company had the support locally and regionally from Shell International to maintain their high quality standards. 

“We hope to make this training seminar an annual event as the response to the advertisement in the local newspapers was impressive and the demand for future training was highly emphasised by the participants”, said Marine & Retail Sales Representative Marisca Peterson coordinator of this training.

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